Chess Bitchより


American Grandmaster Reuben Fine, Freudian psychologist and World Championship contender, links the desire to play chess with latent, unspeakable desires. In his 1956 tretise Psychoanalytic Obserbation on Chess and Chess Masters, Fine writes, "The unconscious motive actuating the player is not the mere love of pugnacity but the grimmer one of father-murder." Women are less inclined to pick up the game, argues Fine, since they lack a "subconscious urge to kill their farther(s). "


いかにもなフロイト派節! あまりの型のはまりっぷりはもはや芸だ。

Fine believes that the King attracts boys to the game because the piece is important (if it is trapped, the game is over), yet impotent(it can only move one square at a time.) He argues that adolescent males are in a similar state, because they are unable to express their budding social and sexual powers. In his view, the rules of chess mirror for boy the rules of sex. "Don't touch youe piece until you're ready move it" encodes to "Don't masturbate."

